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The #1 🥇 SEO Company In South Africa

Professional SEO Services Designed For Your Success

SEO Services are the lifeline of your website. Having a strong digital presence can help your business grow online.

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SEO Service Plans

We know that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to SEO. The team at Symaxx has unique expertise tailored to your business needs, industry, current SEO performance, and goals. We use our analysis to develop a customized SEO strategy for your business. Contact us today if you’re ready to start creating a personalized, revenue-boosting SEO strategy.


A flexible, low-risk solution for SEO growth – perfect for small businesses & start-ups.

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Modern, optimization strategies – all executed for a reasonable price.

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For companies ready for an advanced, wide-reaching & dominant approach to SEO.

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If you want the best we offer full-service SEO packages to achieve your goals.

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Diagram showing different types of SEO features

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. SEO is the process of taking steps to help a website or piece of content rank higher on the search engine result pages (SERPs) like Google. 

This content can be educational, services, or even product descriptions. Simple right?

How does it work? 

When searching on search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing, they must choose from among the millions of web pages available to best answer their user’s queries.

SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages, or what you and I see when we conduct an internet search) display websites in the order that the search engine determines is most relevant to the user’s query. 

The higher your page or website’s rating in search results, the more relevant it seems.

How does the search engine determine these rankings, though? 

The answer is complicated (thus the necessity for specialized SEO services companies like ours!) But, in the end, that’s what SEO is all about. Persuading search engines that your website, product, or services are worth visiting.

Your website must be optimized for users first and then search engines.

There are a variety of approaches to this, but most center around providing excellent content and logically organizing the site so that visitors can readily find important information.

A business can increase its visibility on the internet and produce a large volume of organic traffic by implementing a great SEO plan or working with skilled SEO specialists.

Is SEO important in 2022?

Yes, in a nutshell. It would help if your customers could discover you as a company.

Your website has the potential to become your most significant asset, attracting visitors, enhancing your brand’s reputation, and generating revenue 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

But the sad truth is that if it’s not ranking, you might as well not have one. Furthermore, neglecting the power of SEO Services and giving your competitors an advantage puts you at a significant disadvantage.

The sooner you begin using excellent SEO services practices, the faster you will see results. The truth is that the top three results that show for a given search keyword receive nearly all of the clicks.

Few people look further down the page and fewer look at page 2 or 3 of the SERPs. The better your ranking, the more clicks you’ll get, and the more likely you’ll attract paying clients. 

Potential clients will never find you if you aren’t prominent in the search results.

However, SEO isn’t only about search engines; it’s also about people. Your ranking will drop swiftly if your website doesn’t give the user experience or information that people are looking for. 

In contrast, the better your website fulfills its promises, the more noticeable you will appear in search results. 

Organic traffic is the number of users who come to your website through unpaid efforts and increasing it should be the ultimate goal of any SEO firm.

8 Reasons to Invest in SEO Services in 2022.

1. Your customers use search engines.

While it’s true that social media accounts for a significant portion of website traffic, search engines account for the vast majority. 

It’s simple to comprehend as a consumer: you type it into a search engine when you have a question. Your clients feel the same way.

2. Website Traffic Is Boosted by SEO

SEO services will significantly increase your website’s number of high-quality visitors. It also increases your chances of generating a sale. SEO can also help you build a mailing list to improve your brand awareness.

3. SEO helps you generate more sales.

The higher the quality of visitors to your website, the more leads and, ultimately, sales you will create. It makes sense when you’re getting traffic that’s actively looking for what you’re selling! 

If your website is more detailed, engaging, and user-friendly than your competitors’, you have a decent chance of winning the sale.

4. SEO Promote Long-Term Results.

When it comes to SEO, you can anticipate long-term results that your business can rely on. Our SEO firm focuses on long-term growth and development rather than fast fixes and shortcuts; we want lasting results.

5. With SEO Services, your brand’s reputation will grow.

Customers can see that you are a leader in your industry if you rank well in Google. Unpaid exposure in SERPs, often known as the ‘Halo Effect,’ is a vote of confidence from search engines that your brand can be trusted – and that you know what you’re talking about!

6. SEO Services outperform paid advertising.

Your competition may have a larger advertising budget, but buying customers is never a long-term strategy. 

Never mind that there’s no assurance that someone who visits a website will become a customer after clicking on an advertisement. That’s money down the drain in the digital world.

Obtaining unpaid, organic traffic through the usage of a well-optimized website is a genuine investment that pays off in the long term.

7. SEO Services open up new possibilities.

People have begun to look for information and products in new ways as new devices, smartphones, and gadgets reach the market. 

These include voice, mobile, and hyperlocal search, to name a few. You leave your competition in the dust if you’re the first to respond to current trends with our cutting-edge SEO services.

8. SEO is inevitable.

Just like the advent of mobile phones and how they revolutionized telecommunications, SEO will help you reach an untapped market for your services or product. 

More and more people spend vast amounts of time online looking for your products or services. 

If you do not meet your customers where they spend most of their time, you are more likely to be pushed out and be obsolete like those old telephones.

Which SEO Services are most requested?

Technical SEO.

Technical SEO fixes performance issues, removes outdated SEO methods, and ensures that Google bots navigate the site without difficulty.

Creating quality content and marketing strategies.

Keyword research and competitive analysis using semantics and long-form content on all essential web pages.

Link building (Backlinks).

Outreach to websites to gain links for a client’s well-crafted content assets.

Mobile SEO.

From speed to display to operation, mobile SEO ensures that mobile browsing experiences are of the highest quality.

Local Search.

Local search allows businesses to appear consistently across directory websites, which aids Google in determining how to promote clients in local SERPs.

On-page Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Ensure that Google knows the theme and topic of each web page automatically, from metadata to HTML cleanup.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO).

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the process of maximizing the number of visitors who come to your site organically through social media or paid advertising.

What SEO Audits Include

Deep dive into on-page and off-page search ranking elements using SEO audits.

Our in-depth audits include the following.


How many pages are indexed, as well as the length and quality of each page’s content? Is there a problem with redundant information on-site or off-site?

Increasing Keyword Reach

What is the current number of keywords that the site ranks for?

Page loading speed

How fast is the site according to Google Page Speed Insights and GTmetrix?

Local Search Engine Optimization

Are citations advantageous? Is the NAP data reliable?


Are the inbound links to the site coming from reputable sources? What is the total number of links referring to the site?


Do all of the pages have their titles and descriptions? Are they performing?


Is there any difficulty loading the site from a mobile device? Is it simple to read and browse the content?

Google Search Console and Google Analytics.

Is there a difficulty with manual actions, sitemaps, or security?


Are the pages compressed and the CSS and JavaScript files minified? Do you have any 404 errors?

Our technical SEO strategies Include.

  1. Ensuring that sitemaps are functioning correctly, are up to speed, have suitable markup, and are indexed and read correctly in Google Search Console.
  2. Developing a framework and navigation structure that allows Google bots (and people) to know where they are on a website at any given time.
  3. Identifying faults that a domain’s hosting server may have, ranging from speed concerns to CDN and compression technology recommendations.
  4. Making a website load as quickly as possible, including evaluating the amount of internal and external queries and measuring the time to first byte (TTFB).

On-Page SEO techniques that we employ.

  1. Creating a robust set of ‘white hat’ metadata components that are well-optimized (mainly title and description)
  2. Ensure that the correct terminology is used and that keyword placement is not spammy.
  3. If long-form information is provided on a page, it must be relevant throughout, not simply at the start of the body content.
  4. Remove bloated HTML code, including inline styling and class names, to improve page load speed.
  5. Internal linking should be abundant and relevant across a site’s content rather than only in menu items.

Off-page SEO work that we do and recommend.

  1. We create useful content assets for use in outreach campaigns while developing links on client sites.
  2. In addition to our content generation, we have a dedicated outreach team that works with publishers, bloggers, and website owners to gain links for our clients.
  3. Guest writing on relevant and valuable sites that will help direct traffic to our clients and pass credibility is a part of our outreach effort.
  4. Our digital PR work with news agencies, in particular, assists us in obtaining mentions and links for customers in newspapers and other publications.
  5. We use various social outreach methods to help us leverage the power of social media influencers to drive traffic to our customers’ websites.

SEO Campaigns – here’s what happens.


To design the most effective search engine optimization plan, we first conduct a 159-point SEO audit, manually checking each point. 

We’ll be identifying keywords and key phrases (together with search traffic) and looking through Google Analytics data to thoroughly determine the present and potential search audience concurrently with this audit.

We will conduct a Symaxx Graph, which compares the existing site statistics (such as the number of links, the number of pages indexed, and domain authority) to the competition.

Suppose we haven’t already done so at the proposal stage. Competitors in Google searches for the terms you want to rank for are usually divided into two categories: those who rank well in Google searches for the phrases you want to rank for and those who compete in other sales channels.

We check search engine results pages for numerous concepts, key phrases and auditing, keyword research, and competitive analysis to construct a clear industry overview.

Our research work will be pretty similar whether you want us to run an SEO campaign in Cape Town, Pretoria, Durban, or anywhere in South Africa (and thorough).

If you conduct thorough on-site, off-site, and industry research, you’ll be able to build a solid foundation for SEO tactics to operate more effectively right away.

Technical SEO.

Technical SEO, or ‘on-site optimization,’ focuses on improving how Google navigates a website and how quickly it loads. It also checks how understandable each page is in and out of a site menu system context.

This task is tedious, exhausting, and, to be honest, not much fun. Still, it is essential to the success of a website, especially if multiple errors are being repaired, as is the case in most situations. 

A few HTML or metadata modifications on a page template can significantly impact how Google robots comprehend a web page’s actual theme. 

Your rankings and visitors will skyrocket when you multiply this by a few hundred pages.

Our SEO services team uses the information from our audit to guarantee that all online ranking variables are corrected, including broken links, mobile responsiveness, conversion tracking, and local SEO considerations, among other things.

Content Creation

Show us a website with well-written, long-form content on every page, and we’ll show you how to rank well in Google’s search results. 

Content and SEO services are strongly intertwined – and to us, they are the same. When we advise adding “two thousand words to the homepage,” we’re frequently met with wide-open mouths.

However, as clients become more confident in search marketing techniques and adopt our recommendations, they rank for phrases that they never imagined would bring them business through search rankings. 

They are increasingly pressing us to add long-form content to service and product pages.

Content is beneficial in various ways, particularly long-form content linked to multiple critical pages on the site, especially if the links are within paragraphs of text rather than merely menu options or a link above or under a section that describes it.

If your site has well-written content that discusses various parts of your service or products, long-tail phrases are significantly more likely to find it. 

Pages with more content are also more likely to be shared or linked to social networking platforms.

Link Building and Earning

Even people who don’t know the best South African SEO services companies have heard of link building and its generally negative connotations. 

The shortcuts that thousands of website owners and search engine optimization agencies used over several years have given link-building a poor name.

Link spamming is still practiced today, but it is far less common than it previously was. As part of our digital PR strategy, we encourage website and blog owners to connect to a high-quality content’ asset’ on our client’s site.

We consider citations to be an essential component of a well-rounded link-building strategy. And we make sure that citation listings occur near the start of any SEO project unless they already exist.

Consistency in “Name, Address, Phone” (NAP) and brand mentions is becoming an increasingly important ranking criterion for Google (and other search engines like Bing and Yahoo), so getting this portion of link building correct is critical.

Workflow, consistency, and transparency.

We’ve developed excellent on-page SEO tactics, we adore writing plenty of content, and we understand the value of inbound links. 

But we believe our workflow management and operations set us apart from other South African digital marketing agencies.

We manage customer accounts with excellent precision, thanks to a combination of our operations management and our workflow software.  

Whether it’s establishing citations, developing an outreach strategy, preparing for an off-page SEO audit, reporting on a recent increase in Google rankings, or earning a new link, we track everything and keep track of how long it takes. 

Clients can see how much time we’ve spent on their account down to the minute; this greatly simplifies our customer services, allowing us to devote more time to meaningful digital activity. A delighted client is well-informed. 

A content client is well-informed, satisfied, and has increased visitor numbers.


Due to the workflow above management system and techniques that we utilize to run our digital business, monthly SEO reports are reviewed much less often at Symaxx.

Our monthly reports are primarily graphics and spend minimal time on sophisticated SEO vocabulary – or, for that matter, social media or PPC jargon.

We value clarity and have never felt the need to over-complicate or inflate our words as a company. Clients are well aware of this. 

Nothing makes us happier than knowing which aspects of our work have resulted in higher client rankings, visitors, and inquiries/sales. 

Thanks to our close relationships with clients, all actions are logged in the workflow system, and relevant monthly reports are sent to them.

Why Choose Symaxx Digital.

We are a South African-based, experienced search-led digital marketing agency passionate, innovative, flexible, and skilled.

We specialize in lead generation through organic search, web design, pay-per-click methods, social media, and the creation of high-quality content. 

We put our agency’s talent and knowledge to work for you to boost your internet visibility and profitability.

Many people say it, but communication and transparency are critical to our success.

Let us show you how we can gain you more business if your website has been lost among the competitors, or if you don’t understand why your site ranks where it does – and you’re wondering how you’ll ever be noticed.

You can do a little experiment right now. Go to your phone and Google search your product or service and area to see if you come on the first page of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Example “Dog walkers in Cape Town.”

How did your business come up? If you were not on the first page, you need professional SEO services to improve your brand visibility. That’s why you need us!

Symaxx Digital Agency Logo

About Symaxx Digital

We have served hundreds of clients in 7 years, and we are still growing every day, making a new business successful both online and offline.


Other Services

Website Design

Increase your business credibility with a website design that translates your business to its best digital self.

Website Security

Security is very important for all websites. Find out how you can implement the best practices for securing your website


A domain is the human-readable name of your website. Find out how to choose the best domain for your business.

Logo Design

Every business needs a Logo to improve its brand Identity. Find out how you can get your logo in a few steps.

Web Hosting

Web Hosting is the process of making your website accessible online through computer storage that is online 24/7.

Pay Per Click Advertising

Find out how you can start growing by driving relevant traffic to your website through pay per click advertising.

Training and Maintenance

Regular website updates can be quite tiresome. Just leave the work to the professional why you run your business.

WordPress Plugins

A plug-in is a piece of software that acts as an add-on to a website and provides additional functionality.

Website Chat Integration.

Live chat allows companies to communicate with customers in real-time. Find out how you can get started.

Premium SEO Packages

Find the best package for you


A flexible, low-risk solution for SEO growth – perfect for small businesses & start-ups.

Starting at




Modern, optimization strategies – all executed for a reasonable price.

Starting at




For companies ready for an advanced, wide-reaching & dominant approach to SEO.

Starting at




If you want the best we offer full-service SEO packages to achieve your goals.

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SEO Questions Answered - FAQs

In a nutshell, SEO is making your website as appealing to Google and other search engines, as they aim to send their users the best possible content. Over the years, people have tried to make SEO sound more complicated.

If you build a website and create content with users first in mind, you will not go wrong.

It’s essential to create valuable content that answers users’ intent; this will help you rank well in organic listings.

How Much Does SEO Services Cost in South Africa? – Hourly rates in South Africa range from R700 to R1500 / $45 USD to $100 USD on average. For a monthly SEO Services package, the price can range from R15,000 to R60,000 / $1,000 USD to $4,000 USD per month. Nevertheless, costing estimates can help you draw up a budget for your SEO costs.

We are lucky to be well-positioned in the web marketing field, with excellent customer recommendations coming in on a regular basis. 

Our standing as the go-to SEO Services agency in South Africa has been cemented by word-of-mouth recommendations from our clients.

MAINTENANCE – from R14,999 / $1,000 per month.

MID COMPETITION – from R24,999 / $1,600 per month.

HIGH COMPETITION – from R34,999 / $2,250 per month.

AGGRESSIVE – from R44,999 / $3000 per month.

LOCAL DOMINATION – from R50,000 / $3,200 per month.

Our SEO packages are built around the most successful online marketing technique we’ve used for the past 7 years, expanding the reach of our client’s brands by employing tried-and-true formulae that we adjust when Google’s algorithm changes.

We transform your website into the ultimate salesperson, bringing in genuine leads and sales to your company on a regular basis. 

We have a team of creative and technical SEO professionals on staff to handle all of your online marketing needs, from improving your Google rankings and developing effective social media strategies. 

To provide you with premium creative web design and conversion optimization, as well as other unique ideas to help you build a buzz around your brand.

SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” if you put it together, SEO Marketing is the practice of increasing the quality of your website’s content, thereby increasing the website traffic. SEO marketing can also grow the exposure of your brand through non-paid searches (also known as “organic results”)

We work with and are trusted by a wide range of companies, including SMEs and global brands. For well-established, financially sound, and historically secure corporations, we do reputation management, and for SMEs, we do search engine optimization – and vice versa. 

While many in the business over-promise and under-deliver, our open, clear focus on creating content that earns links, along with well-thought-out technical search techniques, ensures that our approaches work regardless of the size of your organization.

Our team is full of creative thinkers and innovators, which leads to a lot of brilliance, regardless of the size of the client. The tedious, complex tasks, along with innovative ideas and leaps of faith, are what sustain the growth of an internet campaign for any size of client 

The difference in service to our clients, big or small, is dependent on the quantity of time each client pays for, not on quality.

Monitoring and reporting on the progress of the goals we set and the statistics and milestones we report on are critical to all of our client relationships. 

As a result, Symaxx has established itself as a prominent South African SEO Services agency. However, it is pretty strict and demanding, particularly when it comes to web content and ethical search marketing strategies.

Having SEO for your Business makes it easier for potential clients to find you when searching for your services or products.

SEO increases your business visibility in search engines. This is good because SEO is unlike paid advertising, where you have to keep spending more money bidding for the top spot. SEO increases business credibility because it shows that you have quality content.

Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee specific results for any particular keywords. We’ll select keywords we think are ideal for your website and your business and try to influence the search engines so that your content comes up in the searches. Make sure to stay away from anyone who will guarantee you results unless it’s Google.

It’s great fun to be #1, but you don’t have to be first to get more traffic and more customers.

SEO is more like a race, and the one that exercises the best practices and follows the rules always win. So how often should you do good practices and follow the rules?

You always have to keep improving the quality of your content to make sure you stay ahead of your competitors.

Yes, all the time. We only use Google-approved and recommended tactics. We believe in creating quality content and making sure we engage with users personally and professionally.

There are so many advantages that come with using White hat tactics, and doing otherwise is against our company policy.

SEO is a marathon, not a sprint, especially if your site is new.  You want to make sure everything is thought through and planned.

So much depends on your overall site’s health and content, your site’s online competition, and your willingness to produce new, quality content regularly.

We sometimes see results the first month and sometimes have to wait several months before seeing progress.

One of the most significant rewards in gaining an increased number of links pointing to your site is gaining Google’s trust.

By earning/getting links from relevant and high in authority websites, Google will see the trust other sites have given to your site and will start to trust it themselves.

The ultimate result is Google ranking your site higher for various keyword phrases in its search engine, usually resulting in higher traffic.

In a word, yes. Backlinks are a tremendous & essential ranking factor for Google, but they aren’t the only thing.

We can help you get started on finding backlink opportunities, but the only for sure way to get backlinks is when your website has content that people want to link to.

We can optimize your website to let the search engines like Google and Bing know what your pages are about, but if you aren’t adding new, quality content regularly, your site probably won’t skyrocket in the rankings.

Adding new, quality content consistently is one of the fastest ways to drive new traffic to your website.

As SEO’s, we want as much data as we can get from the sites we work on – from organic traffic to returning users – to help us mold our subsequent campaigns to improve rankings.

One of the main reasons we use Google Analytics (GA) is to ensure that we work through iterative reports over time.

They can be, but only when optimized correctly. The potential issue with landing pages is that they tend to be very similar and very thin on content, so they do not provide the most incredible experience in the sense of a query search.

It can be tricky to get landing pages right for SEO, but they’re no less helpful than a standard page on the website when they are right.

Image optimization is a tale of two halves; the first is focused on ensuring the image is compressed as much as possible without losing quality.

This allows the image file size to decrease and, therefore, load quickly. You should also make sure that you’re serving images that are scaled correctly.

The second half ensures that images have appropriate file names and alt text. For example, a picture with a file name of ‘IMAGE1.PNG’ and an alt text of ‘IMAGE1’ isn’t helpful for search engines or.’ people using accessibility software.

The filename and alt text should accurately describe the contents of the image – for example, ‘red-car.png’ and ‘red car on the road’.

Simply, yes. Having your site on a secure server (which is what HTTPS signifies) is a sign to Google that users on the site can trust you.

Most websites can obtain a free SSL certificate, and it’s pretty easy to implement. This would be one of my first port-of-call when looking at a new site from an SEO perspective.

Digital marketing is working together more than ever before. A well-rounded strategy that includes different channels – including SEO and social media – is the key to creating the most outstanding online visibility.

While some industries will suit one digital marketing discipline or the other more, it primarily comes down to where your audience is looking for your services.

When applying social media marketing, Paid options also mean that if you’re looking for a quick short-term return, this could be the better option – again, depending on your product or service.

The first step is to stop writing content for search engines and start writing content that will engage well with your target audience.

Look into the successful competition –  how have they structured their content? Be sure to include mentions of crucial subject matters, as well as semantic phrases which are associated with the subject.

For example, if you were writing about servicing a car, you should look t include words including engine, oil, checks, etc.,

A URL that a user would be able to work out what the page is about from viewing the URL alone.

This isn’t strictly a ranking factor, but it will improve the likelihood of people remembering it, obtaining backlinks, and sharing the URL on social media.

The main difference between SEO and PPC is that traffic coming from search engine optimization work – and therefore appearing ‘organically’ in Google rankings – is free, with traffic coming from pay per click (PPC) being paid for.

Adwords (the ‘PPC’ advertisements listed on Google search pages) are almost certainly always shown before organic listings in search engine results pages (SERPs) because paid search ads are how Google makes much of its revenue.

Improving search engine optimization features on your site can result in search traffic that costs nothing to receive. SEO is perhaps the primary way to acquire web visitors if you have no budget for paid search.

If you use PPC, put, you effectively bid against other advertisers to appear in various positions – and in multiple frequencies – above organic Google listings when users type in searches and receive results pages.

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